Blog Hints

Picture and Text Side by Side in Post

In order to put a picture and text side by side in a post, you need to indicate that the picture goes on the RIGHT, then the text is willing to line up next to the picture along the left of it and continue along the bottom of the picture.

Now once the picture and text are behaving nicely with the picture on the right, you can select the picture and click on the LEFT justification icon and the picture will jump to the left, and the text sit nicely beside it. Remember to get the picture on the left, you first must make it sit on the right, side by side with the text, and then you can command the picture to go on the left.

Managing your Posted Material’s Appearance

When you write a Post, be sure that you see 2 rows of icons above the Posting box. To toggle between one row and two rows, click on the Icon that looks like a tiny color palette and is called Kitchen Sink, if you hover your cursor above it. The TWO ROWS of icons (hover and you and see their names) represent fairly standard ways of making material look and behave certain ways. You have seen some of these icons in word processing programs, and it’s particularly important to use these icons for styling in your post, because these icons create effects that work on the internet in html, a basic code that browsers such as Explorer, Firefox, and Safari understand.

Managing your Posted Images

Once you have an image in your Post, and you are editing the page or Post that holds the image, further control of that image’s appearance are available when you click on that image. Two icons appear – the second one looks like a no-no icon and it deletes the image. Clicking on the first icon produces a screen with further controls over the image. On that screen selecting the Advanced Settings at the top, provides control options that allow you to re-size the image freely and to add a border or other features to your image. To make the border on the image you simply apply a number in the box to specify the number of pixels in width for the border. 1 pixel, for example, makes a small, simple line around the image. 0 pixels makes no border.

Commenting to the Posts in the Blog (page one)

Click on the comment or no comments words just under the title of the post, and you are directed to a comment box in which you can write your comments to the Post. You dont need to be logged in to comment. If  you are logged in your name appears with your comment.

Making a Post on the Blog (page one)

You need to log in to the blog to write your own post with or without images. First login, then visit the Blog (page one) or other pages and click on Edit near the top. Insert your text or image.

How to Insert a Link into your Post

When you are writing a post or a comment and you want to create a link to a site on the web, you do the following:

Select the words in your post that will be the link. A chain link appears in the box above your post, and you click on this icon. That click produces a box into which you can insert the linked address on the internet, and it should have the form of Underneath that address, click on the target choice that indicates that you want your link to Open in a new window, and then when you click on Insert, your selected text becomes an active link. Then, as always, click on save and publish and your post will become part of the blog.

Behold! You will have provided the readers of your post an active, clickable link to a location on the web.

One thought on “Blog Hints

  1. My friends and I had the opportunity to see Cedar Key’s Community Garden. What an amazing effort for the community. We were impressed. The ‘glass flowers’ were great too! I am looking for some help. Please send me a link or email address to download the specs to build a ‘standing table’ garden. And what kind of glue is used to attach glassware for an outside garden? Thanks Kay

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