Hoofing around Manhattan

imageAfter a glorious 3 days with my childhood friends on the Jersey shore, I was deposited by the airport shuttle on 23rd Street in Chelsea Thursday afternoon. At this point my physical activity really began! I explored the Chelsea neighborhood, walking across 4 long crosstown blocks to Eatily, Mario Batili’s new food emporium, and back again before I collapsed into my comfortable bed at the Leo House.

My intention for this week is to explore, as much as possible, different ways of wrapping, containing, and concluding much of my life’s work – my journey daybook pages. Yesterday, first off, I headed to The Center for Book Arts, an educational collective and artists space to which I belonged in the 80’s. I was treated to a wealth of inspiration in the form of exhibited book works and links to galleries specializing in more artists books. Today – more inspiration at galleries near me and in the depths of the lower east side. For a time It seemed as If I were walking in circles trying to find the Central Booking Artists Space. When it seemed as if I was walking further and further away from my goal and my phone ran out of power, I hopped a cab and was treated to a mile’s tour through Little Italy and Chinatown. Although expensive, this ride was a real treat! I bought a Metrocard yesterday and have used public transportation except today’s lower east side foray. Late this afternoon I rode the subway back uptown to Columbus Circle and to the mother church of the Paulist Fathers, St Paul the Apostle Church, for the Saturday vigil. This beautiful old church is ironically buried amid modern skyscrapers. The  liturgy, music, and church, itself, were extraordinarily beautiful. And, “Yes,” I drew in church!

P S – I have not perfected my technique for copying my journey daybook pages and editing them with my ipad. I would be most grateful if any of you can help me with this. Thanks!

3 thoughts on “Hoofing around Manhattan

  1. Good to see that you are in NYC and having such a wonderfully stimulating time. Perfected editing technique or not, you page is lovely.

    • Thank you for your lovely comments. In New York City nearly every tall building has an iconic water tower – like the one in my drawing. City water is pumped up to these tanks where the water is held until it moves down to the users by gravity. Did you know that New York City water has been judged the best tasting water in the country?

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