Practicing in my own Backyard


This week I bought myself a pair of birdwatching binoculars to use for my study of the Florida Scrub-Jay in Cedar Key. In an attempt to become adept at drawing while looking through these new optical devices, I have been searching out wildlife subjects around my home. The other day as I was scanning the huge live oak in my backyard, I noticed a swarm of monarchs that were obviously feeding themselves from the blossoms of the loquat tree in preparation for their long migration south. I quickly drew this scene using ballpoint and  watercolor.

There is so much migration preparation proceeding right now in our area. For me, it is just a matter of noticing this activity.

5 thoughts on “Practicing in my own Backyard

  1. This is lovely–you clearly quickly mastered the technique of looking through your binoculars and simultaneously drawing and painting. The page has just enough color and detail to convey the dense green, tropical feel of your backyard. You never fail to amaze!

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