The Sunday Sketchers

MPH.9.19.16Several weeks ago, a small group of Journey Daybook alums began gathering at my house on Sundays at 3 PM. We have painted at two restaurants on the dock in Cedar Key where we have bathed in the air conditioning and drawn for a few hours. 43 Degrees West is a new establishment that has especially welcomed us. The food is wonderfully fresh and the service is friendly and professional. On Sunday, July 3 we plan to drive south on US Route 19 near Gulf Hammock where the Waccasassa Rivier flows under the highway at Buck Island Road, north of Gulf Hammock. There is charming an old store by the river. An old caboose sits in a grove of trees there that should provide comfortable shade for us to work. All Journey Daybook alums are invited to join us. Bring something to drink, insect repellant, and a snack if you want one. As usual, we will meet at my house and drive to our destination.

As I receive pages from my friends,, I will post them on Journey Daybook site. If you want to receive regular updates of JDB news, be sure to subscribe to this site.  I am including a few more of my own pages here.MPH.6.26.16

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